Category Archives: Portfolio Managment

Strategies For Software Services/product Companies next decade

These requirement are going to stay for next decade:Strategy-Small1Where can Software services/product firms lay emphasis for next stage of development. Or the areas which will see maximum amount of work coming in future..

Or What areas of knowledge should software companies develop manpower on:
1. Game development and Gamification:


2-7. Each of the Seven areas in development:


As you read you realize software which can take advantage of multiple processor available on the devices None of sotware present in market today is written to take advantage of this fact. It may be possible an new language may come up to take benefit of this fact of we can still use old java/C++ threads more offen or we can distribute load on server by more specific COM/ DCOM or Distributed Common Request broker Architecture CORBA to processor level at server.. We have virtual switches and VM ware or Zen virtualisation which can exploit maximum benefit from it.
8. More virtualised network stack: this I wrote 2 yrs back still valid to quote here:

private and public cloud new API will emerge:

9. from SDLC V model to Agile and now to lean Agile ..use of six sigma to control process is just one part of mathematics being used for quality control but there would be new data model which will be tested based to mathematical modelling like probability distributions new model industry specific models would keep emerging.
like how for security project how security user stories are plugged into model
or read

10.  BI would be Everyware:
parallelism , map reduce algorithm and cloud